To Robert (You Know):
I studied the majority of the contents of these two threads dedicated to determining whether or not the WTBS is a prophet and what type.
I carefully read both arguments. I studied the prosecutorial allegations and supporting evidence from WTBS publications.
And then I watched and waited (eagerly) for your responses. I do understand it is difficult for you due to the overwhelming responses and requests to communicate with you, and the requests never cease.
However, I had a special reason for observing the outcome of both of these threads. I needed personal reconciliation, assurance, direction and partial closure. You might not believe this, but deep in the most secret inner places of my heart/soul, I almost hoped you would prevail. Perhaps, after years of "witnessing/witness life", some of the routine is still embedded into my core.
However, the end result of these two threads confirmed some suspicions and generated some disappointment. It also proved a few things. The end result is your defense was inadequate, in my opinion. I don't think anyone in this forum other than you Robert, is as staunch a supporter of the WTBS and exerts as much effort in its defense. Even when I was a supporter, I could not have mustered some of the defenses you have in the past.
But, time and time again, your forces were surrounded, outnumbered, and outgunned. The overall quality of your defense in these two prophet threads did not measure up nor produce legitimate incontrovertible evidence to defend and exhonerate the printed history of the WTBS. The prosecution was formidable and the evidence originated from the defendant's own sources. It turned into a landslide, and your final treatise became "I know I an serving Jehovah and not the WTBS". Unfortunately, it was very weak.
I learned that the obvious is in fact true, the WTBS allegiance to its history and leadership prevent the organization and its members worldwide from true unprecedented spiritual growth, by witholding lifesaving information and initiating scandalous coverups which are masked with ambiguous propaganda and administratively enforced to ensure global compliance. It is all true now! The written evidence speaks milestones!
I am sorry for you and for many others in my life who are vitally important. Perhaps your dream of prophetic cleansing of the WTBS may in fact come true, either divinely or by Caesar. I don't know when or which, just that it is inevitable.
You can no longer launch NEW threads or efforts to boldly "proclaim" the word of Jehovah, as you state, in confidence and freeness of speech. The WTBS was carefully weighed (according to biblical standards and by WTBS intepretations) and found lacking and deficient.
For all intents and purposes, it is still a religion, like may others. However, the difference is much more imagined than real.
Your battle started valiantly and finished in a humiliating defeat. There really was no other outcome possible, given the facts and your position. Perhaps your posture on certain matters will require another look.
In conclusion, thank you for all of the efforts you made in defending a faith we once held in communion, and thank you for all of the responses. You were tireless, unyielding and brave to say the least. However, it was a lost cause and the few minor skirmishes in which you may have felt victorious or vindicated, were in fact pyrrhic at best.
May you find courage, real truth and may you grow and learn forever, for as long as you have health and life!